
Open Source Job Report Show More Openings

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The Open Source Job Report provides a comprehensive overview of job openings in the open source software industry. It is produced by the Open Source Initiative (OSI), a nonprofit dedicated to promoting open source software and building a more diverse and inclusive open source community.

The report provides a detailed analysis of job openings in the open source industry, including the type of job, the company name, location, salary range, and skills required. It also provides insights into the current state of the open source industry and what employers are looking for in candidates.

The report is updated quarterly to reflect the latest job openings. It is also available in both PDF and CSV formats, making it easy to analyze the data and draw insights.

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In addition to providing a comprehensive view of the open source job market, the Open Source Job Report also provides valuable advice on building a successful career in open source. It offers tips on how to stand out in job applications, how to network in the open source community, and how to create a portfolio of work to demonstrate your skills.

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The Open Source Job Report is an initiative of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) to provide an objective, comprehensive and uptodate overview of job opportunities in the open source software sector. The report is based on a survey of over 20,000 job openings from hundreds of sources, including job boards, company websites, and others.

The Open Source Job Report shows that there are a wide range of job opportunities available in open source software. This includes positions in development, support, operations, and other areas. The report also provides detailed information about the job market for open source software, including salary ranges, job availability, and job requirements.


The report provides an uptodate overview of the job openings in the open source software sector. It includes data on the number of job openings, the type of job openings, their locations, the average salary, and other details. The report also includes insights from industry leaders and employers about the job market for open source software.

The Open Source Job Report is an important resource for job seekers and employers alike. It provides a valuable source of information about the job market in the open source software sector

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